Friday, March 25, 2011

Tart Buah (Fruit Tart)

Music : I need A Doctor by Dr. Dre ft. Eminem & Liz Rodrigues

Salam, dah lama Izz x blog pasal bakery kan. Maaflah, bukan Izz  x buat lg bakery ni semua tapi sebab banyak resepi2 baru Izz yg tak berapa nak jadi. Nasib baik yg ni jadi. Aduh memang kene pegi kelas baking lg skali nmpknya. Kali ni Izz buat tart buah dgn mak Izz. Memang sedap sgttt! Cepatlah ambil resepi dan cuba.


Kulit Tart

  • 150g     mentega tanpa garam (dilembutkan)
  • 60g       gula ising
  • 140g     tepung gandum
  • 1 biji    telur
  • 100g     badam kisar

Cara :

  • Campur mentega dengan gula dan pukul sehingga sebati.
  • Masukkan tepung gandum dan telur, pukul sehingga rata.
  • Biarkan selama 15 minit.
  • Tekan doh ke dalam acuan tart dan rapikan.
  • Bakar pada 185 darjah Celcius selama 10minit.

Krim Kastard

  • 1 biji      telur
  • 3sdb       gula kastor
  • 3sdb       tepung kastard
  • 200ml     susu UHT
  • 1/2 sdt   esen vanilla

Cara :

  • Panaskan susu & esen vanilla dengan api sederhana.
  • Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan tepung kastard.
  • Tuang separuh dari susu panas ke dalam campuran telur dan gula dan kacau hingga sebati. Masukkan campuran tadi ke dalam susu panas dalam periuk.
  • Kacau hingga sebati dan kastard terbentuk. padamkan api.
  • Isikan kulit tart dengan krim kastard dan hias dengan hirisan buah di atas.

DSC06902 Terliur tak tgk pic nie?


p/s : apa lg ye kita nak cube???

Saturday, March 12, 2011

N. 27 Merlimau Ep. 2

Mood : Crying

DSC06889Izz, B.Azahari, k.Liza & K.Ina 

Hye, today Izz will continue bout N. 27 Merlimau. D’day b4 d’election Izz going to sleep early coz Izz need to be at S.K. Merlimau at 7a.m sharp. Izz & d’other SPR need to set up the place b4 ppl come at 8a.m for election. Izz choose a “barong” far from the orang kampung house. Izz think my org kg will not come there but they did. My mum, makcik, nenek and poksu went to our barong. Saje je kan…sedangkan ade lg 1 “barong” yg lebih dekat. When they reach to our “barong” dgn muka slamba “aik xkenal ke sape dtg nie”…Uh Izz working here mom. We as SPR cannot be “mesra alam” wit the org kg coz viewer from both party will said tat we are not “berdiri di ats pagar”. Tat kind of thing also can be an issues among them.

Izz working with abg azahari ( cousin) & 2 teacher from sedari (k.liza & k.ani) sorry if i spell ur name wrongly. From there we can see how the  supporter from both party mouth fighting. the ppls of the party also want to tunjuk hero dgn polis. Wat the heck. They are all bullshit. Izz don’t like them coz they dont have any respect to police who do their job. The police have to be patient wit all the supporter attitudes. They dont have any manner just like monkey. Here Izz cannot say witch party doing tat coz it a sensitive issues. Sorry readers.

DSC06890 Anak Panah : Tempat 2 Parti Berkumpul

Afta 5p.m we SPR “bukak kedai kopi” and chitchat among us. It was so hilarious. 1 of the brother “jenis xmakan saman” he will said anything tat he want & sometime it annoying us but at the same time it make us laugh. Well to make the story short Barisan Nasional menang di Merlimau. YB baru Merlimau adalah En. Roslan Ahmad.

Last, Izz want to say thank you very very much to all abg & akak AADK, Kak Norlin, Kak Liza, Kak Ina, Abg Homestay & all pegawai SPR for a GREAT moments tat we shared. Thanks and love all of u. XOXO!



p/s: politic and its people suck! they willing to fight for rubbish. Any religion don't teach us like tat, it teach us to be good with others!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

N. 27 Merlimau Ep. 1

Music : Don’t Hold Ur Breath by Nicole Scherzinger


Source : Google

Assalamualaikum (selamat sejahtera) to all bloggers out there. As u all know or dont know, last week Merlimau had a pilihan raya kecil. Izz write bout tis now coz Izz afraid tat if Izz wrote it a few week b4 d’small election some1 will hurt wit wat Izz gonna say. Izz had to hold any opinion till d’election end coz i’m working part-time wit SPR (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya) as Kerani Penyemak Daftar Pemilih (KPDP) on d’election day.

2 weeks b4 d’election day, d’situation in Merlimau was like we gonna had a huge party here. All place was full wit all kind of flags from all kind of politic party. All homestay, motel and hotel were full. Ppl from many state came here to support their party. As a Merlimaurian, Izz think its a blest coz we Merlimaurian can take advantage from d’situation especially the shop / restaurant / house owners. All restaurants were pack wit ppl & many houses became a part time homestay if they willing to pay. Izz also can see many fool thing tat ppl did during election weeks. Family members fighting bout their political view, neighbours became enemy bcoz of politic and trust me if Izz said it our malay ppl doing tat folly act. Izz respect Chinese ppl bcoz even tough their political view are different but they can still chitchat at d’coffee shop & they not fighting! Can u all believe it?! Izz as a Malay feel very embarrassed wit my own ppls.

DSC06888 View from my car

The story continued…

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Salam to all bloggers. 1st Izz nak minta maaf sbb dah lama neglect blog nie. Izz xupdate sbb Izz bersedih atas pemergiaan Maklong Izz, Jariah Binti Ali. Maklong Izz meninggal pd 17/2/2011 jam 12.57 tghari. Maklong meninggal sbb “SEPTICAEMIA SECONAARY HOSPITAL AQUIRED PNEUMONIA % MPSA BACTRAEMIA” (btl ke apa Izz eja nie???) atau dlm bhasa manusia normalnya adalah jangkitan kuman yang telah merebak ke tahap bahaya.

Maklong Izz dah lama masuk hospital. Dlm 3 bulan jgak lah. Dia masuk sbb dia terjatuh kat dapur je tp sbb maklong ada kencing manis so bakteria merebak dgn cepat.

Masa dpt news tu Izz xrase apa2 pun. Just shocked. Afta jasad maklong smpi n Izz tengok muka maklong Izz sebak sgt tp Izz x nangis. Masa Izz cium pipi maklong, air mata ini xkluar setitik pun. Masa iring maklong ke kubur, fikiran Izz blank. Malah masa Izz doakan maklong slepas solat pun Izz x nangis. Tp knp mase tulis blog ni Izz nangis. Knp Izz rase kehilangan dia? Knp Izz baru rindukan dia? Knp air mata ni xnak berhenti?

Maklong, dihar rindu sgt dgn maklong, dihar rindu sgt masakan maklong, dihar dah tahu masak pindang mcm yg maklong suruh. Maklong maafkan dihar klu dihar ade silap dan dihar sayang sangat dgn maklong. Al-Fatihah.

001 Ni je pic maklong dlm simpanan Izz.


p/s : satiap dari kita pasti akan pergi, jadi sayangilah org di sekeliling kita.Amin


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