Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Saya Minta Maaf

Salam, iz nak minta maaf dgn semua sbb dah lama xupdate tis blog. Terlalu byk event yg brlaku dlm life iz till iz xblh nak catch up. But now back to normal again so iz blh lah update blog nie. Iz minta AMPUN dan MAAF skali lg sbb neglect blog ni.



p/s : sibuk dgn wedding day.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hari Ku Di Syurga Ep. 2.

Salam n izz nak minta ampun sangat2 sbb dah lama xupdate blog ni…really2 neglected this blog.  Tis few day izz busy doing research for my future project (ni top secret nye project…shhh!) so mmg xsmpt lah nak pegang keyboard smua…(sedangkan mmg malas nak tekan papan huruf2 tu smua)

Opps! dah ke laut plak izz story telling nie…back to the topic, ni sambungan from previous post (Hari Ku Di Syurga Ep. 1) Izz sempat story smpi hari sabtu je kan aritu so check out the rest of my day in JOHOR:


  1. Going to SUB building to order a photoshot for convocation day. (dgn Lala)
  2. Siap2 tok ke open house. (pinjam baju meknor)
  3. 1st house was rumah cousin jiemah (sgt cute tat boy)
  4. 2nd house was Alya house at ????
  5. Afta tat send back makcik’s car to her house (apiz, lala, jiemah & ilah accompany me)
  6. Gossiping wit the gurl till midnight!!! (awesome gurlz)

semuaketot, jiemah, isti and lala


lala and me


  1. Ok hari isnin ni sgt boring coz all of them has studio for the whole day n i’m alone in meknor’s room. (owh gasping for fun!!!)
  2. So today Izz just ironing baju kurung and jubah for convocation also wash my clothes and meknor clothes (meknor u have to thanks me..:)
  3. Also watch movies with lala and dian at isti room (wayang free lah)


  1. Its my CONVOCATION DAY!!!
  2. Texting my mum to make sure they come early for the photoshot.
  3. Mandi and grooming time!
  4. WARRGGHHHH! its late and my family waiting for me outside (kene bebel wit my mum)
  5. Afta the photoshot wit my family we grab something for lunch.
  6. Doing my solat and make up time.
  7. Photographing wit my friends while waiting for our turn to walk in the hall.
  8. OH YEAH! my name is on the screen and I get my DIPLOMA certificate. (did i mention tat i cried doing this ceremony)
  9. Picture time wit all my freinds and family. (luv it)
  10. Balik to real life again. (and tat mean MELAKA) *sigh*

DSC06756me wit family

DSCN1176  me wit isti and lala

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saya Rindu Dia

Saya rindu dia
Saya rindu bercakap dengan dia
Saya rindu bercerita dengan dia
Saya rindu ketawakan dia
Saya rindu dengar cerita dia
Saya rindu ayat - ayat dia
Saya tahu dia sibuk
Saya tahu dia jauh sekarang
tapi Saya masih rindu dia...:(

p/s : jangan hiraukan ayat diatas, si penulis sedang merapu.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hari Ku Di Syurga Ep. 1.

Mood : Senyum simpul
Music : Her Name Is Alice by Shinedown

Salam 1Malaysia kpd smua. Minta ampun bangat sbb dah lama xupdate blog nie. Afta raya saya jd sgt busy...(izzy plz jgn formal okeh!) Last week izzy going to jayB for my convocation day. izzy gi dari hari khamis till selasa. So check my shedule yah:


  1. Naik bas dari Melaka to Larkin at 12.30pm.
  2. Arrive at Larkin and waiting for my makcik to pick me up.
  3. Going to Stor Jubah at UTM SKudai to pick my convo jubah.~got size M yah~
  4. Sleep at my makcik house.

  1. Makcik send me to UTM Skudai at 8 o'clock for raptai.
  2. XOXOXO wit all my heartdrop frends there ~ topek, haniff, lala, meknor, isti, etc~
  3. Afta raptai lepaking at the gurls room till 3pm.
  4. Back to my makcik house.

afta raptai wit taty and my heartdrop frend topek


  1. Borrow my makcik car and drive to UTMSkudai.
  2. See topek and haniff at dewan seri alam i think.
  3. XOXOXO wit both of them coz they need to go to melaka and seremban.~sigh~
  4.  Lunch wit lala at McD.~accidentally drop lala's coke here...sorry~
  5. Back to UTMSkudai for movieng wit the gurlz.
  6. When back to makcik house wit lala to pick my clothes.~sesat lg...aiyo~
  7. Ayam penyet's dinner wit gurlz and boyz..~xoxoxo~

 a combination of boyz & gurlz

 azzim, apiz, lala, me, fendi, isti, jiemah, ilah & nor

me wit fendi, isti, jiemah and ketot @ ilah


p/s : ayam penyek sgt sedap.
     : driving is so much fun when u wit ur frends
     : take a risk even when no one believe u coz its ur life.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Almond Cappucino Cookies

  1. 150gm salted butter
  2. 80gm icing sugar
  3. 1 egg
  4. 100gm dip cappuccino (its look like chocolate)

  1. 150gm whole almond(roasted)


  1. 150gm white chocolate
  2. 100gm dip cappuccino
  3. 1roll small paper cup

Working Method:
  • Dough:
  1. Blend butter and icing sugar until fluffy
  2. Then add egg slowly
  3. Pour flour and melted dip cappuccino together till all combined

  • Filling:
  1. Cover the whole almond with dough and baked at 180 degree Celsius about 8 to 10 minutes

  • Decoration:
  1. Cover the whole baked dough with dip cappuccino.
  2. Use melted white chocolate to decorate.
  3. Put into small paper cup.

(dough with almond in it)

p/s: sorry if izzy late in updating tis blog coz izzy busy doing autocad and helping my grandma paint her house.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Snow Almond Cookies

Salam 1Malaysia & Happy Merdeka Day!!!

Since Muslim people will celebrate their Hari Raya Aidilfitri soon, izzy want to share cookies recipe for hari raya. This cookies is sooo delicious tat u will want more, more and MORE! So plz check out.

Ingredient A:
  1. 200gm butter
  2. 100gm caster sugar
  3. 1 tablespoon of shortening
  4. 1 teaspoon of coffee essence
  5. 1 egg

Ingredient B:

  1. 220gm wheat flour
  2. 70gm tapioca flour
  3. 50gm nestum
  4. 40gm ground almonds
  5. 1 tablespoon of coffemate

Ingredient for decoration:

  1. Melted cooking chocolate
  2. White breadcrumb and chopped almonds
  1. Blend butter, sugar, and shortening until fluffy.
  2. Add coffee essence and egg yolk.
  3. Mix all ingredient B and add into the mixer slowly.
  4. Mold the dough into whatever shape you like.
  5. Bake at 175 degrees Celsius in about 20 minutes.
  6. After it cool dip the cookies into melted chocolate and covert the cookies with breadcrumb and chopped almonds.
(before dip with choc)

p/s : tired tis few days coz busy helping my grandma cleaning her house.

Coming Soon

This few day izzy busy doin cookies for raya day. so izzy think tat izzy should share it with all of you. So check it out on my next post.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pie Daging

Salam 1 Malaysia. Hari ni izzy nak kongsi resepi PIE DAGING izzy. Sangat sedap k resepi die. So checkout :

Bahan - bahan Pie :
  1. 1/4 kg tepung gandum
  2. 1 buku butter keras (simpan dlm peti sejuk)
  3. 1/2 sudu teh garam
  4. 1 sudu teh vanilla
  5. 1 sudu teh baking powdder
  6. 2 sudu makan air sejuk (dari peti ais)
  • Adun kesemua bahan di atas dan rehatkan sebentar dan ditutup dengan tuala lembap.

    Bahan - bahan Inti :
    1. 250gm daging / ayam cincang
    2. 100gm sayur campur / kentang
    3. 3 sudu teh rempah daging
    4. 6 biji bawang besar (cincang)
    5. 3 biji bawang putih
    6. Garam / gula / perasa / minyak secukupnya
    • Gorengkan semua bahan di atas. (boleh juga guna resepi inti karipap)

      Cara Membuat Pie :
      • Canai adunan ke dalam acuan pie. Lapisan adunan jangan terlalu tebal.
      • Masukkan inti ke dalam acuan pie tadi.
      • Tutup atas inti tadi dengan adunan tepung.
      • Cucuk atas pie dengan garfu.
      • Dibakar selama 30minit dengan kepanasan 250 darjah Celcius (ikut jenis oven sbb stiap oven kepanasannya tidak sama)
      (Ni masa dah isi inti)

      p/s : tis few weeks izzy sgt2 busy dengan bakery course izzy. sorry yah..:(

      Friday, August 6, 2010

      Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Baba

      saya rindu sangat Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Baba!!!
      well tis few days izzy always cried bcoz of him.
      izzy really miss him very much.
      yah beliau lah arwah atuk izzy.
      izzy mmg sll mcm nie klu nak dekat bulan puasa.
      msti tibe2 tringat kat atuk coz atuk izzy meninggal time bulan puase.
      13/10/2005 adalah tarikhnya...
      tis saturday nak jenguk kubur atuk so i'm sure i will cry there.
      nak kate izzy ni cucu kesayangan atuk xde lah
      tp izzy mmg membesar depan mate atuk
      every holiday msti dok umah atuk & nenek.
      atuk izzy sgt2 take care cucu die tau.
      bile izzy lmbt mkn msti die cari izzy tny nape xmkn
      n then klu izzy tlg nenek bake cookies or masak kat dapur n izzy masak / bake terhangit ke msti atuk mkn gak.
      die sll pesan klu yg hangit tu simpan tok atuk.
      see!!! klu org lain msti dah kene bebel masak hangit tp atuk tak.
      n then dr kecik atuk yg byk ajar izzy adat melayu lama
      sgt2 ingat smpi skunk.

      Tuesday, August 3, 2010


      1.       Coz I still dnt found my soulmate…
      2.       I dnt act like an ideal girl…(I mean I’m kinda like a tomboy & most my dearest frends are boys)
      3.       I’m afraid to fall in luv…(I should blame my frends for tis coz I always see they fight wit their partner)
      4.       I like being single…(so tat I can do whatever I want witout jealousy)
      5.       I dnt really think bout boyfriend coz I have 3 ppl tat treat me like their gurlfrend…(thrust me…I can manje2 wit them)
      6.       I’m in luv wit smone but its complicated…(I want him to be happy even tat mean we can just be frend)
      7.       I’m a very selekeh gurl…(tis is wat my bro tell me & I think he has the point)
      8.       I have an easy changing feeling…(tat mean if I have a crush wit someone it just for a while)
      9.       I’m not a very beauty-fool gurl…(tis is wat many boys said to me & I dnt mind)
      10.   I’m a very shy gurl…(if I see a guy I will immediately put my face down)

      I doing tis coz my bro tell me to do it. We alwys have a fight and he alwys say “at least he has a gurlfrend not like me who is still single”. I hate it when he said tat but he alwys has a guts to do anything. His first kiss is wit his kindergarten frend. Maybe some of my frends will not believe in wat I said above like the part when I said I’m a very shy gurl. Thrust me its really true. When I’m wit my frends I’m a brave gurl but when I’m wit stranger I will be as timid as a kitten. This year I really need to find my soulmate coz I have a bet wit my BFF tat if I can find a man he has to sponsor my outing together and tats mean whatever I want to buy he will have to pay…so wish me gudluck yah!

      Tuesday, July 20, 2010

      Happy Birthday!!!

      Happy birthday to ME
      Happy Birthday to ME
      Happy birthday, happy birthday
      Happy birthday to ME!!!

      Morning allz. today is izzy birthday. so cepat2 wish me and give present to izzy k. huhuhu...izzy want to say thanks you very much to people who wish me happy birthday. the first people wish me happy birthday by sms is an anonymous but izzy think izzy know who is he coz he wish me happy birthday every year. (thanks yah abg apiz), my mum is the first one wish me when izzy woke up...actually she woke me up. by facebook is FENDI!. see fendi i bold ur name there ok. As today is my birthday so plz check out the table below yah.

      LanguageHow to say "Happy Birthday"
      AfrikaansVeels geluk met jou verjaarsdag!
      AlbanianUrime ditelindjen!
      AlsatianGueter geburtsdaa!
      AmharicMelkam lidet!
      ArabicEid milaad saeed! or Kul sana wa inta/i tayeb/a! (masculine/feminine)
      ArmenianTaredartzet shnorhavor! or Tsenund shnorhavor!
      AssyrianEida D'moladukh Hawee Brikha!
      Austrian-VienneseOis guade winsch i dia zum Gbuadsdog!
      Aymara (Bolivia)Suma Urupnaya Cchuru Uromankja!
      AzerbaijaniAd gununuz mubarek! -- for people older than you
      Ad gunun mubarek! -- for people younger than you
      Belauan-MicronesianUngil el cherellem!
      Bengali (Bangladesh/India)Shuvo Jonmodin!
      Bicol (Philippines)Maogmang Pagkamundag!
      Bislama (Vanuatu)Hapi betde! or Yumi selebretem de blong bon blong yu!
      BrazilParabŽns a voc!
      ParabŽns a voc,
      nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
      BretonDeiz-ha-bloaz laouen deoc'h!
      BulgarianChestit Rojden Den!
      CambodianSom owie nek mein aryouk yrinyu!
      CatalanPer molts anys! or Bon aniversari! or Moltes Felicitats!
      ChamorroBiba Kumplianos!
      Chinese-CantoneseSun Yat Fai Lok!
      Chinese FuzhouSan Ni Kuai Lo!
      Chiness-HakkaSang Ngit Fai Lok!
      Chinese-Mandarinqu ni sheng er kuai le
      Chinese-ShanghaieseSan ruit kua lok!
      Chinese-TiociuSe Jit khuai lak!
      Chronia PollaNA ZHSHS
      CroatianSretan Rodendan!
      CzechVsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!!
      DanishTillykke med fodselsdagen!
      Dutch-AntwerpsNe gelukkege verjoardach!
      Dutch-BilzersNe geleukkege verjoardoag!
      Dutch-FlemishGelukkige verjaardag! or Prettige verjaardag!
      Dutch-FrisianFan herte lokwinske!
      Dutch-LimburgsProficiat! or Perfisia!
      Dutch-SpouwersNe geleukkege verjeurdoag!
      Dutch-TwentsGefeliciteard met oen'n verjoardag!
      DutchHartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
      EnglishHappy Birthday!
      EsperantoFelichan Naskightagon!
      EstonianPalju onne sunnipaevaks!
      EuskeraZorionak zure urtebetetze egunean!
      Faroes ( Faroe island )Tillukku vid fodingardegnum!
      FarsiTavalodet Mobarak!
      FinnishHyvaa syntymapaivaa!
      French (Canada)Bonne Fete!
      FrenchJoyeux Anniversaire!
      FrisianLokkiche jierdei!
      Gaelic (Irish)L‡ breithe mhaith agat!
      Gaelic (Scottish)Co` latha breith sona dhuibh!
      Galician (Spain)Ledicia no teu cumpreanos!
      GeorgianGilotcav dabadebis dges!
      German-BadischAllis Guedi zu dim Fescht!
      German-BavarianOis Guade zu Deim Geburdstog!
      German-BerlinischAllet Jute ooch zum Jeburtstach! or Ick wuensch da allet Jute zum Jeburtstach!
      German-BerneseEs Muentschi zum Geburri!
      German-CamelottischEwllews Gewtew zewm Gewbewrtstewg. Mew!
      German-FrankonianAllmecht! Iich wuensch Dir aan guuadn Gebuardsdooch!
      German-LichtensteinHaerzliche Glueckwuensche zum Geburtstag!
      German-MoselfraenkischHaezzlische Glickwunsch zem Gebordsdach!
      German-PlattdeutschIck wuensch Di allns Gode ton Geburtsdach!
      German-RhoihessischIch gratelier Dir aach zum Geburtstag!
      German-RuhrAllet Gute zum Gebuatstach!
      German-SaarlaendischAlles Gudde for dei Gebordsdaach!
      German-SaechsischHerzlischen Gliggwunsch zum Geburdsdaach!
      German-SchwaebischAelles Guade zom Gebordzdag!
      German-WienerischOis Guade zum Geburdsdog!
      GermanAlles Gute zum Geburtstag!
      GreekEytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!
      GreenlandicInuuinni pilluarit!
      Gronings (Netherlands)Fielsteerd mit joen verjoardag!
      Gujarati (India)Janma Divas Mubarak!
      Gujrati (Pakistan)Saal Mubarak!
      Guarani (Paraguay Indian)]Vy-Apave Nde Arambotyre!
      HawaiianHau`oli la hanau!
      HebrewYom Huledet Same'ach!
      Hiligaynon (Philippines)Masadya gid nga adlaw sa imo pagkatawo!
      Hindi (India)Janam Din ki badhai! or Janam Din ki shubkamnaayein!
      HungarianBoldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!
      IcelandicTil hamingju med afmaelisdaginn!
      IndonesianSelamat Ulang Tahun!
      Irish-gaelicLa-breithe mhaith agat! or Co` latha breith sona dhut! Or Breithla Shona Dhuit!
      ItalianBuon Compleanno!
      Italian (Piedmont)Bun Cumpleani!
      Italian (Romagna)At faz tent avguri ad bon cumplean!
      JapaneseOtanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
      Javaans-IndonesiaSlamet Ulang Taunmoe!
      JerriaisBouon Anniversaithe!
      Kannada (India)Huttida Habba Subashayagalu!
      Kapangpangan (Philippines)Mayap a Kebaitan
      Kashmiri (India)Voharvod Mubarak Chuy!
      Kazakh (Kazakstan)Tughan kuninmen!
      KlingonQuchjaj qoSlIj!
      KoreanSaeng il chuk ha ham ni da!
      KurdishRojbun a te piroz be!
      KyrgyzTulgan kunum menen!
      LatinFortuna dies natalis!
      LatvianDaudz laimes dzimsanas diena!
      LithuanianSveikinu su gimtadieniu! or Geriausi linkejimaigimtadienio progal
      LugandaNkwagaliza amazalibwa go amalungi!
      LuxembourgeoisVill Gleck fir daei Geburtsdaag!
      MacedonianSreken roden den!
      Malayalam (India)Pirannal Aasamsakal! or Janmadinasamsakal!
      MalaysianSelamat Hari Jadi!
      MalteseNifrahlek ghal gheluq sninek!
      MaoriKia huritau ki a koe!
      Marathi (India)Wadhdiwasachya Shubhechha!
      Mauritian Kreolmo swet u en bonlaniverser!
      Mbula (Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea)Leleng ambai pa mbeng ku taipet i!
      MongolianTorson odriin mend hurgee!
      Navajobil hoozho bi'dizhchi-neeji' 'aneilkaah!
      Niederdeutsch (North Germany)Ick gratuleer di scheun!
      NepaliJanma dhin ko Subha kamana!
      NorwegianGratulerer med dagen!
      Oriya (India)Janmadina Abhinandan!
      Papiamento (lower Dutch Antilles)Masha Pabien I hopi aña mas!
      Pashto (Afganistan)Padayish rawaz day unbaraksha!
      PersianTavalodet Mobarak!
      Pinoy (Philippines)Maligayang kaarawan sa iyo!
      PolishWszystkiego Najlepszego! or Wszystkiego najlepszego zokazji urodzin!
      wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin
      Portuguese (Brazil)Parabens pelo seu aniversario! or Parabenspara voce! or Parabens e muitas felicidades!
      PortugueseFeliz Aniversario! or Parabens!
      Punjabi (India)Janam din diyan wadhayian!
      Rajasthani (India)Janam ghaanth ri badhai, khoob jeeyo!
      RomanianLa Multi Ani!
      Rosarino Basico (Argentina)Feneligiz Cunumplegeanagonos!
      RussianS dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
      Sami/LappishLihkos Riegadanbeaivvis!
      SamoanManuia lou aso fanau!
      Sanskrit (India)Ravihi janmadinam aacharati!
      Sardinian (Italy)Achent'annos! Achent'annos!
      Schwyzerduetsch (Swiss German)Vill Glück zum Geburri!
      SerbianSrecan Rodjendan!
      SlovakVsetko najlepsie k narodeninam!
      SloveneVse najboljse za rojstni dan!
      SothoMasego motsatsing la psalo!
      SpanishFeliz Cumplea–os!
      Sri LankanSuba Upan dinayak vewa!
      SundaneseWilujeng Tepang Taun!
      SurinameseMi fresteri ju!
      SwahiliHongera! or Heri ya Siku kuu!
      SwedishGrattis pŒ fšdelsedagen
      SyriacTahnyotho or brigo!
      Tagalog (Philippines)Maligayang Bati Sa Iyong Kaarawan!
      TaiwaneseSan leaz quiet lo!
      Tamil (India)Piranda naal vaazhthukkal!
      Telugu (India)Janmadina subha kankshalu!
      TeluguPuttina Roju Shubakanksalu!
      ThaiSuk San Wan Keut!
      TibetanDroonkher Tashi Delek!
      Tulu(Karnataka - India)Putudina dina saukhya!
      TurkishDogum gunun kutlu olsun!
      UkrainianMnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia!
      Urdu (India)Janam Din Mubarak
      Urdu (Pakistan)Saalgirah Mubarak!
      VietnameseChuc Mung Sinh Nhat!
      Visayan (Philippines)Malipayong adlaw nga natawhan!
      WelshPenblwydd Hapus i Chi!
      Xhosa (South Afican)Imini emandi kuwe!
      YiddishA Freilekhn Gebortstog!
      Yoruba (Nigeria)Eku Ojobi!
      Zulu (South Afican)Ilanga elimndandi kuwe!

      Thursday, July 15, 2010

      Race / Religion / Politic, which 1??!

      Mood : Inspired
      Listen : Sweet Caroline

      Morning to all bloggerz!!!(hangguk ko morning izzy, dah tghari ni!) izzy dah lama fikir psl tittle ni. A few weeks ago when izzy hangout wit my frend steven @ steve. he call me one day & ask me to lepak2 wit him at kedai mamak di jasin. So as izzy doin nothing & tat idea sound interesting, izzy going to see him lor. he now in navy dan sgt susah okeh nak jumpe die nie. of ocz lah kan berkhidmat utk check out his pic below k...:D

      sgt kuat right him..;p

      so as we lepaking 2gether we exchange news bout us and also many great ideas. Steven the one come out wit 1Malaysia and race and religion. As izzy & all of u can see tis world are busy fighting for their race & religion. They said their race must have a right toward the country, they said their religion are the GREATEST. izzy & steven are fed up wit all tis fight.As far as izzy know all religion said tat we have to do good to others people. so y must we fight wit each other??! y must we destroy each other??! y we can be as 1??!

      (sekadar contoh)

      For ur information, since i'm a little girl i have frends not only malay but chinese and indian too. we alwys have a way to make a GREAT time together. even tough izzy xtau ckp mandarin or tamil but izzy can understant wat they say when izzy bersama mereka. pernah ade sorg budak malay said to me "dihar knape ko kwn sgt dgn budak2 cina tue, knp ko xkwn dgn budak2 melayu?" and izzy said izzy kawan dgn budak2 melayu but if tat malay boy/girl said something bad bout my chinesse and indian frends, the malay boy/girl will not be my frend anymore. izzy and frend never fight because of race, religion or political view, we fight for boys and something else k.

      when izzy lepak wit steven izzy saw many eyes looking at us in sarcastic way. wat the hell. as long as i'm happy wit myself and my frendz, i dnt care wat others people said. they can said watever they one and they can hold wit all the rubbish pegangan. for izzy and frends we still hold wit our religions and still be a GOOD frends together!

      *p/s : jgn gaduh kerana kaum, agama atau politik klu xnk tgk dunia ni musnah.

      Wednesday, July 7, 2010

      Dancing With Myself

      Saturday, June 19, 2010

      Tag Dari Deng

      tajuk tlh menceritakan sgalenye...deng izz jwb k tag u ni dear. tp ade ckit malas mau jwb...huhuhu..but at least izzy jwb kan...nywy thanks for d tag dear!

      1)adakah anda rasa anda hot?

      someone said melaka hot sbb org2 melaka sgt

      2)upload wallpaper yang anda guna sekarang.
      ni wallpaper laptop izzy...

      3) cerita pasal wallpaper tersebut.

      sll wallpaper laptop psl my new activity. so usr - melaka is my newest activity. (sbnrnye ade lg tp mls nak transfer..wee)

      4) bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
      last month wit my family and my brothers frends at his plkn's camp. sgt giler okeh lyn diorg.

      5)lagu paling latest anda dengar.
      Blauw by ciara...lagu paling besh...n i'm listening to it right now.

      6)apa yang anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
      listening to the music and worried bout something...aish!

      7)selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil nama apa?
      izzy of coz...papan lapis / dak kurus coz i'm very thin *grin* anak pak razak ( kwn parent pnggil mcm tue) n one of my teacher alwys call my by my father name...razak...ade ke ptt.

      8) tag lagi lapan orang.

      9)siapakah orang no. 1 kepada anda?
      my coursemate...yg paling poyoz okeh.

      10) katakan sesuatu kepada orang no.5
      besah lama tak jumpe ko...windu!!!

      11)no. 3 ada hubungan dengan sapa? 
      he still single i think...:D

      12) bagaimana pula dengan no.4?
      she kinda complicated but i think she still single...

      13)pesanan kepada orang no.6
      org nom 6 xde lor...sgt malas nak tag...(ingat nak tag malas mau copy webpage die)
      14) kata2 cinta untuk orang no. 2.
      aiyo...perlu ke? wahahaha...isti rindu sgt dgn kecomelan kamu!!!

      15)adakah no.7 dan no.8 mempunyai persamaan?
      xde gak...;P

      16)berikan 5 perkara yang anda tawu tentang orang yang mengetag anda.
      -sgt pantas okeh minah ni bt keje
      -party gurl...(invite me k..;P)
      -die ade bantal busyuk...~wee~ (sorry bgtau)
      -she fallin in lurv wit dj jonz!

      18)perasaan anda semasa buat tag ini.
      sgt lapar coz x lunch lg...huhuhu

      19) adakah anda tau si razman itu sengal
      owh razman tu ke? *wth*

      20)gay or lesbian
      keep it secret..huhuhu

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