
miss my solat subuh...damn shit...i'm just too tired d other day...when i c d time its already 8am...n another scream came out from me..izzy hv to rush

coz izzy hv a date mit Ilah..we plan to go 2 d shop tat i bought my cloths b4...I want 2 change it coz d other day the salegul mistake my cloths wit othrs cloth

meet Ilah at her room n we decide tat we will take a taxi coz we r so malas to take d train..we pusing2 round ts n as ptptn izzy x masuk lg so izzy just window eyes is like

but i cant buy it i just company Ilah coz she want to find a t-shirt..
then we lunch at chicken rice shop...ini lah lepas kami kenyang
